About Us

Infotech Education Society (IES)

Infotech Education Society (IES) was established in 1999 as a society for Education and Social Welfare. The initial focus of the society was on popularization of Science & Technology awareness and the upliftment of people. In the next five years, the agenda became much more broad-based to include conduct of formal education and training courses in various fields.

IES College of Technology (ICOT)

Technical Education in India has removed all the barriers and reached the excellence of international standards. Science & Technology is considered to be an important sector for all-round development and growth of the country.

IES College of Technology, established in the year 2007, is promoted by Infotech Education Society and is working towards excellence in education to meet the needs of highly demanding professionals. The best faculty in the respective fields from IITs, NITs, and other leading institutes are engaged at the Institute to impart quality education. Renowned Educationists, Philanthropists, Engineering, and Technical Professionals are members of IES Society.

The IES Group is managing institutions in Engineering & Technology, Pharmacy, Education, and Management, and is offering job-oriented professional courses.

IES College of Technology, one of the most reputed engineering colleges in Madhya Pradesh, India, was started in the year 2007-08 to provide technical education. It is approved by AICTE, New Delhi, and is affiliated with Rajeev Gandhi Prodhyogiki Vishwavidyalaya (RGPV), Bhopal for Engineering and Polytechnic Courses, and Barkatullah University, Bhopal, for Management Courses.


AICTE-IDEA Labs are being established in engineering colleges across India to help students develop their creative and problem-solving skills. These labs will provide students with the facilities and resources they need to turn their ideas into prototypes. IDEA Labs will have a wide range of equipment and tools, such as 3D printers, laser cutters, and electronics kits. Students will be able to use these resources to design and build their own projects.

In addition to providing technical skills, IDEA Labs will also help students develop 21st-century skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, and communication. Students will be encouraged to work together on projects and to present their work to others.

The ultimate goal of IDEA Labs is to transform engineering education and to help students become more creative and innovative.


Committee Members

Chief Mentor (CM):
Dr. Anuprita Mishra, Principal, IES College of Technology, Bhopal

Faculty Coordinator (FC):
Dr. Pallavi Bhatnagar, Professor, EX Department

Faculty Co-Coordinator (FCC):
Dr. Rajan Kumar, Assistant Professor, ME Department

Activities/ Events/ Outreach Activities to be Carried Out


JAN-FEB 2024-25

JULY-OCT 2024-25

NOV-DEC 2024-25

Sr. No. Event & Duration Target & Batch size Objective & Justification Frequency/Numbers
1 FDP (06 Days) Faculty (20) Faculty needs to be trained on equipment to guide students and conduct events Twice in a year
2 Skilling Programs (06 Days) Students (20-30) Training in various technical areas One per quarter
3 Bootcamps (12 Days) Faculty (05-10) Training of faculty, continuing at workplaces if required Twice a year
4 Ideation workshops (03-05 Days) Students (30-40) To generate ideas for projects in IDEA Lab Once in three months
5 Awareness Workshops for Industry (02 Days) Industry participants (5-10) Publicizing IDEA Lab among industries Once in three months
6 Internships (2 to 6 months) Students (15-20) Hands-on training as part of course-work As per curriculum
7 Professional Skilling Programs (12 Days) ITI students or class 10/12 pass students (5-10) Training in welding, 3D printing, mechanical fabrication, etc. Once in a quarter
8 School Teachers Awareness Program (06 Days) Teachers of nearby schools Providing hands-on experience of facilities Twice a year
9 Projects by School Students Identified by schools (10-15) Opportunity for school students to do projects Once a year
10 Open Day for school students (One day) Class XI-XII students (25-30) Exposure to IDEA Lab facilities Once a year
11 Participation in Annual Technical Exhibitions Nationwide IDEA Labs Showcase activities/products/prototypes Once a year
12 Newsletter Nationwide IDEA Labs Disseminating information about activities Monthly/Bi-monthly
13 Webpage All stakeholders Web presence of IDEA Lab Weekly/Bi-weekly updates
14 Annual conference/symposium All IDEA Labs & similar labs nationwide Promote active interaction and collaboration Once a year

Student Ambassador

Mr. Mohit Kumar, 6TH Sem EC

Amit Kumar Kushwaha, 6TH Sem EC

Sagar Mandloi, 6TH Sem EX

Nature of Project Project Coordinator Type Student IDEALAB ID Project Guide IDEALAB ID Name of the Coordinator Name of the Project Guide Title of the Project Stream of the Project (Programme)
Prototype making Host institute Faculty member IDEAL0493FAB10709 IDEAL0493FAB10710 Dr. Rajesh Nema Deepmala Singh Solar Tracking System EC
Prototype making Host institute Faculty member IDEAL0493FAB10709 IDEAL0493FAA8538 Dr. Rajesh Nema Pramod Kumar Patel Motion Detection System EC
Prototype making Host institute Faculty member IDEAL0493FAB10709 DEAL0493FAB11681 Dr. Rajan Kumar Kavita Barahar Fire Extinguisher Robo Car EC
Prototype making Host institute Faculty member IDEAL0493FAA8541 IDEAL0493FAB10711 Dr. Rajan Kumar Preeti Verma Rain Detector Alarm at Home EC
Prototype making Other Institutes faculty IDEAL0493FAB10709 IDEAL0493OFAA3850 Dr. Rajesh Nema Dr. S. S. Khedkar Problem Statement of SIH (Smart Irrigation System for Precision Farming) CSE
Prototype making Other Institutes faculty IDEAL0493FAA8541 IDEAL0493OFAA3848 Dr. Rajan Kumar R. Bharathiraja Problem Statement in SIH (Smart Irrigation System for Precision Farming) EC

Nature of Project Project Coordinator Type IDEALAB ID Project Guide IDEALAB ID Name of Coordinator Name of Project Guide Title of Project Stream
Prototype making Host institute Faculty member IDEAL0493FAB10709 IDEAL0493FAB10710 Dr. Rajesh Nema Deepmala Singh Solar Tracking System EC
Prototype making Host institute Faculty member IDEAL0493FAB10709 IDEAL0493FAA8538 Dr. Rajesh Nema Pramod Kumar Patel Motion Detection System EC
Prototype making Host institute Faculty member IDEAL0493FAB10709 DEAL0493FAB11681 Dr. Rajan Kumar Kavita Barahar Fire Extinguisher Robo Car EC
Prototype making Host institute Faculty member IDEAL0493FAA8541 IDEAL0493FAB10711 Dr. Rajan Kumar Preeti Verma Rain Detector Alarm at Home EC
Prototype making Other Institutes faculty IDEAL0493FAB10709 IDEAL0493OFAA3850 Dr. Rajesh Nema Dr. S. S. Khedkar Problem Statement of SIH (Smart Irrigation System for Precision Farming) CSE
Prototype making Other Institutes faculty IDEAL0493FAA8541 IDEAL0493OFAA3848 Dr. Rajan Kumar R. Bharathiraja Problem Statement in SIH (Smart Irrigation System for Precision Farming) EC

Nature of Project Project Coordinator Type Student IDEALAB ID Project Guide IDEALAB ID Name of Coordinator Name of Project Guide Title of Project Stream
Prototype making Other Institutes faculty IDEAL0493FAA8541 IDEAL0493OFAA3847 Dr. Rajan Kumar Ms. R. Muthuminal Next Gen Semen Storage Tank With Five Tire Bullwark Agriculture Engineering
Prototype making Other Institutes faculty IDEAL0493FAB10709 IDEAL0493OFAA3846 Dr. Rajesh Nema Dr. S. A. Arunmoz SIH Problem Statement- Affordable, Sustainable, and User-friendly solutions for semen dose storage and distribution EC
Prototype making Other Institutes faculty IDEAL0493FAB10709 IDEAL0493OFAA3841 Dr. Rajesh Nema Dr. Shipra Arora SIH Problem Statement- Smart irrigation system for precision farming CSE
Prototype making Other Institutes faculty IDEAL0493FAB10709 IDEAL0493OFAA3849 Dr. Rajesh Nema Aadhavan R SIH Problem Statement "Smart irrigation system for precision farming" EC
Prototype making Other Institutes faculty IDEAL0493FAB10709 IDEAL0493OFAA384 Dr. Rajesh Nema Dr. R. M. Potdar SIH Problem Statement- Affordable, Sustainable, and User-friendly solutions for semen dose storage and distribution CSE
Prototype making Other Institutes faculty IDEAL0493FAB10709 IDEAL0493OFAA3843 Dr. Rajesh Nema Mr. SK Mahaboob Suban Rapid colori-metric and artificial intelligence-based methods for determining the microbial quality of raw milk, processed milk, and milk products EC

Patent Details
